
Hello and Welcome to my website and my literary world. The Isle of Wight is known as Dinosaur Isle and has a rich variety of inspiring settings to use within my stories. Although I use local places and attractions, I have changed them to suit the stories, so they do not always reflect the reality of these places!!

Stevie came into being when I moved house.  I was trying to pack things away as well as working full time as a teacher and being a mother of 4.  I didn’t have time one evening to read them their bedtime stories, so I sat them all in my bed and made up a story. The next night they asked for me to “read” it again and I had to try and remember what I said! I wrote the story down ready for any further requests! Over time I have worked on the Stevie story and then went on to create others. I read these to my classes and finally decided to get one printed! Thus, Stevie Stegosaurus was born…….

The characters were originally based on my children, although as time has gone on they have taken on their own identities. The adventures feature an ordinary boy on an outing with his family, he discovers something unusual which he decides to take home, and so the journey begins….


I give this book a 5 star rating, I read this book to some of my friends children and they were transfixed to the story. The illustrations of this book are really bright and colourful which really appeals to the children. The author has done an extremely good job of describing the characters and place settings really well, as I was reading it, I felt like I was there, now the kids want to visit the places in the book. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone with children as it is fun to read and to do the activity together.

Can’t wait for the next book.


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